All renderings © Craig Brown. Do not copy, download or use in any form without written permission from Craig Brown.

1855 Empire, New York (Empires)


This rendering is based on written documentation only for uniform style and color. No visual documentation is known and an artist’s conceptualization is used to create the rendering.

Rendering accuracy:CirclesOnly_OneAndAHalf

Year: documented    Team: documented

Visual documentation on this uniform:

Written documentation on this uniform:
1855: “[Empire] adopted a uniform that consisted of  ‘a white cap and jacket trimmed with crimson, drab pants, buck skin shoes and a black glazed belt, with the letters E.B.B.C. painted on the front’.” From Greg Christiano, Peter Morris and others, Base Ball Founders (2013), referencing the Spirit Of The Times, June 23, 1855.

Team genealogy: Empire, New York, 1855-1870?
Empire was formed in New York, NY, in 1855. They were one of 16 charter members of the National Association of Base Ball Players (NABBP), the first baseball organization operating 1857-1870. Empire ceased to play games competitively around 1870. Information from Greg Christiano, Peter Morris and others, Base Ball Founders (2013).


Rendering posted: January 23, 2015
Diggers on this uniform: None (so far),